11:35 am – 12:35 pm Pacific Time on Thursday, August 20.
Poster presenters: The deadline to upload your summary slide (poster) was August 15. The deadline to upload your lightning talk, if applicable, was August 18.
Poster Session Logistics
The 2020 Virtual Poster Fair is an opportunity for scientists at all levels to showcase their recent work. The virtual platform requires some modifications to the usual poster fair experience. The details for the process are described below.
Each poster requires an abstract submission. We invite individuals or small groups of co-presenters to submit one poster abstract.
Poster Format: Each “poster” should consist of five slides, with one summary slide and four content slides. For example:
- Summary of all content slides (ie, the complete “poster”)
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Summary of all content slides (ie, the complete “poster”)
- Motivation
- Experiment
- Analysis
- Conclusion
Slide titles are only suggestions. You can organize your work however makes sense, but please have a summary slide followed by a content breakdown for easier viewing and discussion. Your slides may incorporate animations and/or multimedia content as applicable.
Important: Your summary slide will be posted on the conference website, with password protected access, for meeting attendees to review throughout the meeting.
Formatted example:
Click here for step-by-step instructions.

Lightning Talks: Poster presenters will be given the option to upload a 3-minute, pre-recorded lightning talk alongside their poster. This is a great opportunity to invite engagement with your work, attract attendees to your ‘live’ session, and encourage those with questions to connect with you. All talks will be hosted on a password-protected page, and will be made available to registered attendees for a limited time.
Zoom Sessions: The conference organizers will collate links to password-protected zoom sessions, hosting about two posters in each session.
Poster presenters will share their lightning talks and field questions within their zoom sessions for interested participants. Similar to an in-person poster fair, conference participants may enter and leave each zoom session in a staggered fashion. Presenters should be ready to deliver their lightning talk many times.
For presenters’ safety, we require that no one is ‘alone’ in a Zoom session. If you do not have a co-presenter for your poster, you may specify another member of your research group to share your zoom session, or the conference organizers will assign you a session partner from a similar research area.
Poster presenters may invite a colleague or friend to observe and provide constructive feedback.
Support: The User Program Office will provide support, not limited to technical challenges, and establishment of a new zoom session if necessary. The conference organizers will be circulating among zoom poster sessions continually.
Poster Competition
The poster competition is organized and judged by the User Executive Committee.
Eligibility: Students and postdocs are eligible to participate in the poster competition, as well as industry researchers who hold equivalent, non-PI positions. To be included in the competition, participants must opt in when they submit their poster abstract.
Judging: The User Executive Committee will judge the poster competition. Judges will review the summary slides prior to the live event to select poster competition finalists. During the live poster fair, the judges will meet with finalists to hear their lightning talks, ask questions, and complete a poster scoring rubric.
Awards: 3-4 winners will be selected. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the second plenary session on August 21, 2020. Winners will receive a certificate and a $100 prize.