Poster Format Instructions


  1. Make a concise 4-slide presentation
    • Ex: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion
    • Ex: Motivation, Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion
  2. Go to “File” >> “Export”
  3. In “Change File Type,” select “PNG,” and then “Save As”
  4. Name the file and click “Save”
  5. When prompted, choose to export “All Slides”
  6. Add a blank slide to the beginning of the presentation
  7. Add the poster title, presenter’s name and institution, etc. on the new Slide 1
  8. Import the 4 content slide PNG’s and arrange on Slide 1
  9. Follow steps 2-4 to export Slide 1
    • When prompted, export “Just This One”
  10. Submit Slide 1 to be displayed in the Virtual Poster Gallery


  1. Make a concise 4-slide presentation
    • Ex: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion
    • Ex: Motivation, Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion
  2. In the top menu, select “File” >> “Export to” >> “Images…”
  3. Select export “All Slides”
  4. Select “PNG” in the Format drop-down
  5. Click “Next…”, name the file, and click “Save”
  6. Add a blank slide to the beginning of the presentation
  7. Add the poster title, presenter’s name and institution, etc. on the new Slide 1
  8. Import the 4 content slide PNG’s and arrange on Slide 1
  9. Follow steps 2-5 to export Slide 1
    • Only export slides from “1” to “1”
  10. Submit Slide 1 to be displayed in the Virtual Poster Gallery

Google Slides

  1. Make a concise 4-slide presentation
    • Ex: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion
    • Ex: Motivation, Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion
  2. With Slide 1 selected, in the top menu, select “File” >> “Download” >> “PNG image”
  3. Name the file, and click “Save”
  4. Repeat above for Slides 2, 3, and 4.
  5. Add a blank slide to the beginning of the presentation
  6. Add the poster title, presenter’s name and institution, etc. on the new Slide 1
  7. Import the 4 content slide PNG’s and arrange on Slide 1
  8. Follow steps 2-3 to export Slide 1
  9. Submit Slide 1 to be displayed in the Virtual Poster Gallery


  • After making the summary slide (Slide 1), add the presenter’s name and contact info to each slide
  • Check that the majority of content on the summary slide is legible
  • When in doubt, keep it simple: use less text and straightforward graphics