All times below are in Pacific Time (GMT -7).
Plenary session abstracts can be found on the Plenary Sessions page.
Detailed schedules and abstracts for each symposia can be found on the Symposia pages.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
9:00 am
Annelise Barron, Chair of the User Executive Committee
Jeffrey Neaton, Associate Laboratory Director for the Energy Sciences Area
Kristin Persson, Director of the Molecular Foundry
9:15 am
Keynote: Jeannette M. Garcia
Senior Manager of Quantum Applications, Algorithms, and Theory, Almaden Research Center, IBM
9:45 am
User Highlights (Parallel Sessions)
Katya Cherukumilli
University of Washington
Stephen Wu
University of Rochester
Jun Guan
Northwestern University
10:05 am
Mini break
10:15 am
Keynote: Geoffrey W. Coates
Tisch University Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University
10:45 am
User Highlights (Parallel Sessions)
Jianwei (John) Miao
Anant Paravastu
Georgia Tech
Xiaodan Gu
University of Southern Mississippi