Breakout symposia were held on Friday, August 21, split between two sessions. Times below are in Pacific Time (GMT -7).
Click the links below to see symposium descriptions and read the abstracts.
Session A: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
1A Machine Learning for Science and Scientific Data Management
2A Quantum Materials for Classical Computing
3A Unveiling the Cell: Advancing Biology Using In-Situ Multimodal Imaging Methods
4A Startup and Industrial Research at the Molecular Foundry: from R&D to Commercialization
Session B: 12:30 pm – various
1B Stacked, Strained, and Twisted: Emergent Phenomena in 2D Materials (until 3:00 pm)
2B Information-Rich Molecular Assembly for Patterning Applications at the Nanoscale: Outlook and Challenges (until 3:45 pm)
3B Organic and Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Semiconductors: Advances and Applications (until 2:30 pm)